Source code for pysme.uncertainties

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def uncertainties(pder, resid, unc, freep_name, plot=False): binsize = np.median(np.abs(resid)) nbins = (np.max(resid) - np.min(resid)) / binsize + 1 nbins = int(nbins) h, x = np.histogram(resid, bins=nbins) x = x[:-1] + np.diff(x) / 2 _, a = gaussfit(x, h, nterms="constant") sigma = a[2] # 6 sigma threshold resid_threshold = 6 * sigma nfree = len(freep_name) freep_unc = np.zeros(nfree) freep_med = np.zeros(nfree) freep_msig = np.zeros(nfree) freep_psig = np.zeros(nfree) for ifree in range(nfree): gradlim = np.median(np.abs(pder[:, ifree])) i = np.where( (np.abs(pder[:, ifree]) > gradlim) & (np.abs(resid) < resid_threshold) )[0] ni = len(i) if ni > 21: ii = np.argsort(resid[i] / pder[i, ifree]) # Sort pixels according to the change of the ifree # parameter needed to match the observations ch_x = resid[i[ii]] / pder[i[ii], ifree] # Weights of the individual pixels also sorted ch_y = np.abs(pder[i[ii], ifree]) / unc[i[ii]] # Cumulative weights ch_y = np.cumsum(ch_y) # Normalized cumulative weights ch_y = ch_y / ch_y[-1] # value of distribution at -sigma freep_msig[ifree] = np.interp(0.5 - 0.6827 / 2, ch_x, ch_y) # value of distribution at +sigma freep_psig[ifree] = np.interp(0.5 + 0.6827 / 2, ch_x, ch_y) # Mean sigma freep_unc[ifree] = (freep_psig[ifree] - freep_msig[ifree]) * 0.5 # Median change freep_med[ifree] = np.median(ch_y) print( "%s : %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f" % ( freep_name[ifree], freep_med[ifree], freep_msig[ifree], freep_psig[ifree], freep_unc[ifree], ) ) if plot: # TODO plot pass return freep_med, freep_msig, freep_psig, freep_unc
[docs]def gaussfit(x, y, nterms="none"): """ Fit a simple gaussian to data gauss(x, a, mu, sigma) = a * exp(-z**2/2) with z = (x - mu) / sigma Parameters ---------- x : array(float) x values y : array(float) y values Returns ------- gauss(x), parameters fitted values for x, fit paramters (a, mu, sigma) """ z = lambda x, A1, A2: (x - A1) / A2 if nterms in ["none", 3]: gauss = lambda x, A0, A1, A2: A0 * np.exp(-z(x, A1, A2) ** 2 / 2) p0 = [max(y), 1, 1] elif nterms in ["constant", 4]: gauss = lambda x, A0, A1, A2, A3: A0 * np.exp(-z(x, A1, A2) ** 2 / 2) + A3 p0 = [max(y), 1, 1, 0] elif nterms in ["linear", 5]: gauss = ( lambda x, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4: A0 * np.exp(-z(x, A1, A2) ** 2 / 2) + A3 + A4 * x ) p0 = [max(y), 1, 1, 0, 0] elif nterms in ["quadratic", 6]: gauss = ( lambda x, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5: A0 * np.exp(-z(x, A1, A2) ** 2 / 2) + A3 + A4 * x + A5 * x ** 2 ) p0 = [max(y), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] popt, _ = curve_fit(gauss, x, y, p0=p0) return gauss(x, *popt), popt