
The first step in each SME project is to create an SME structure
>>> from pysme.sme import SME_Structure as SME_Struct
This can be done in done in a few different ways:
  • load an existing SME save file (from Python or IDL)
    >>> sme = SME_Struct.load("sme.inp")
  • load an .ech file spectrum
    >>> sme = SME_Struct.load("obs.ech")
  • assign values manually
    >>> sme = SME_Struct()
Either way one has to make sure that a few essential properties are set in the object, those are:
  • Stellar parameters (teff, logg, monh, abund)
    >>> from pysme.abund import Abund
    >>> sme.teff, sme.logg, sme.monh = 5700, 4.4, -0.1
    >>> sme.abund = Abund.solar()
  • LineList (linelist), e.g. from VALD
    >>> from pysme.linelist.vald import ValdFile
    >>> vald = ValdFile("linelist.lin")
    >>> sme.linelist = vald
  • Atmosphere (atmo), the file has to be in PySME/src/sme/atmospheres
    >>> # SME comes with a few model atmospheres see Atmosphere section
    >>> sme.atmo.source = "marcs2012p_t1.0.sav"
    >>> sme.atmo.method = "grid"
    >>> sme.atmo.geom = "PP"
If no wavelength grid (sme.wave) is set, one has to set the wavelength range:
  • Wavelength range(s) in Ångstrom
    >>> sme.wran = [[4500, 4600], [5200, 5400]]
Furthermore for fitting to an observation an observation is required:
  • Wavelength wave
    >>> # The observation may be split into segments (orders etc)
    >>> # Then Wavelength is a list of arrays [segment1, segment2, ...]
    >>> # The same applies to spec, uncs, and mask
    >>> # The wavelength is always given in Angstrom
    >>> sme.wave = Wavelength
  • Spectrum spec
    >>> sme.spec = Spectrum
  • Uncertainties uncs
    >>> sme.uncs = Uncertainties
  • Mask mask
    >>> # The mask values are: 0: bad pixel, 1: line pixel, 2: continuum pixel
    >>> sme.mask = np.ones(len(Spectrum))
  • radial velocity and continuum flags
    >>> # possible values are: "each", "whole", "fix", "none"
    >>> # "each": Each segment is fitted individually
    >>> # "whole": All segments are fit with the same radial velocity
    >>> # "fix": use the set radial velocity
    >>> # "none": Apply no radial velocity offset
    >>> sme.vrad_flag = "whole"
    >>> # possible values are: "constant", "linear", "fix", "none"
    >>> # "constant": Scale the synthetic spectrum by a constant
    >>> # "linear": Scale the synthetic spectrum by a linear polynomial
    >>> # "fix": Use the set continnuum scale
    >>> # "none": apply no continuum correction
    >>> sme.cscale_flag = "linear"
    >>> # possible values are: "whole", "mask"
    >>> # "whole": use MCMC to match the synthetic to the observed spectrum
    >>> # "mask": use the continuum mask points to fit the continuum
    >>> sme.cscale_type = "mask"
Optionally the following can be set:
  • NLTE nlte for non local thermal equilibrium calculations
    >>> # SME also comes with a few NLTE grids, see NLTE section
    >>> # The NLTE grid is atmosphere model dependant!
    >>> sme.nlte.set_nlte("Ca", "marcs2012p_t1.0_Ca.grd")
Once the SME structure is prepared, SME can be run in one of its two modes:
  1. Synthesize a spectrum
    >>> from sme.solve import synthesize_spectrum
    >>> sme = synthesize_spectrum(sme)
  2. Finding the best fit (least squares) solution
    >>> from sme.solve import solve
    >>> # for more details on the fitparameter option, see fitparameters
    >>> fitparameters = ["teff", "logg", "monh", "abund Mg"]
    >>> sme = solve(sme, fitparameters)
The results will be contained in the output sme structure. These can for example be plotted using the gui module.
>>> from gui import plot_plotly
>>> fig = plot_plotly.FinalPlot(sme)
>>> fig.save(filename="sme.html")
or saved with
>>> sme.save("out.npy")