Source code for pysme.gui.plot_plotly

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provide Plotting utility for Jupyter Notebook using
Can also be used just for, which will then generated html files
import json
import logging
from base64 import b64encode

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.offline as py
from import write_image
from scipy.constants import speed_of_light

from .plot_colors import PlotColors

    import ipywidgets as widgets
    from IPython import get_ipython
    from IPython.display import display

    cfg = get_ipython()
    in_notebook = cfg is not None
except (AttributeError, ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    in_notebook = False

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
clight = speed_of_light * 1e-3
fmt = PlotColors()

    import htmlmin
except ImportError:"Install htmlmin for minified html files")
    htmlmin = None

if in_notebook:

[docs]class FitPlot: """Plot the sme solve fit, as iterations pass along""" def __init__(self, wave, spec): self.fig = go.FigureWidget() self.fig.layout["xaxis"]["title"] = "Wavelength [Å]" self.fig.layout["yaxis"]["title"] = "Intensity" self.fig.add_scatter(x=wave, y=spec, name="Observation")
[docs] def add_synth(self, wave, synth, iteration=0): """add a scatter plot to the plot""" self.fig.add_scatter(x=wave, y=synth, name=f"Iteration {iteration}")
[docs]class FinalPlot: """Big plot that covers everything""" def __init__( self, sme, segment=0, orig=None, labels=None, ): self.sme = sme self.wave = sme.wave self.spec = sme.spec self.mask = sme.mask self.smod = sme.synth self.orig = orig self.labels = labels if labels is not None else {} if sme.telluric is not None and self.smod is not None: for i in range(sme.nseg): if len(self.smod[i]) != 0: self.smod[i] = self.smod[i] * sme.telluric[i] self.nsegments = len(self.wave) self.segment = segment self.wran = sme.wran self.lines = sme.linelist self.vrad = sme.vrad self.vrad = [v if v is not None else 0 for v in self.vrad] self.mask_type = "good" data, annotations = self.create_plot(self.segment) self.annotations = annotations # Add segment slider steps = [] for i in range(self.nsegments): step = { "label": f"Segment {i}", "method": "update", "args": [ {"visible": [v == i for v in self.visible]}, { "title": f"Segment {i}", "annotations": annotations[i], "xaxis": { "range": list(self.wran[i]), "linecolor": "black", "linewidth": 2.4, "mirror": True, "ticks": "outside", "tickcolor": "black", }, "yaxis": { "autorange": True, "linecolor": "black", "linewidth": 2.4, "mirror": True, "ticks": "outside", "tickcolor": "black", }, }, ], } steps += [step] layout = { "dragmode": "select", "plot_bgcolor": "#fff", "selectdirection": "h", "title": f"Segment {self.segment}", "xaxis": { "title": "Wavelength [Å]", "linecolor": "black", "linewidth": 2.4, "mirror": True, "ticks": "outside", "tickcolor": "black", }, "yaxis": { "title": "Intensity", "linecolor": "black", "linewidth": 2.4, "mirror": True, "ticks": "outside", "tickcolor": "black", }, "annotations": annotations[self.segment], "sliders": [{"active": self.segment, "steps": steps}], "legend": {"traceorder": "reversed"}, } if in_notebook: self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=data, layout=layout) # add selection callback[0].on_selection(self.selection_fn) else: data = [go.Scattergl(d) for d in data] self.fig = go.FigureWidget(data=data, layout=layout) # Add button to save figure if in_notebook: self.button_save = widgets.Button(description="Save") self.button_save.on_click( # Add buttons for Mask selection self.button_mask = widgets.ToggleButtons( options=["Good", "Bad", "Continuum", "Line"], description="Mask", ) self.button_mask.observe(self.on_toggle_click, "value") self.widget = widgets.VBox([self.button_mask, self.button_save, self.fig]) display(self.widget)
[docs] def save(self, _=None, filename="SME.html", **kwargs): """save plot to html file""" # Here we "hack" plotly to use base64 encoded data # since we have a lot of data to look at # this reduces the file size by about a factor 3 # zipping it would provide another factor 2 if filename.endswith(".html"): self.fig.layout.dragmode = "zoom" fig = self.fig.to_plotly_json() # Convert the data to base64 for i in range(len(fig["data"])): for ax in ["x", "y"]: data = np.asarray(fig["data"][i][ax]).astype("float32") b64data = b64encode(data).decode("utf8") fig["data"][i][ax] = {"data": b64data, "dtype": "float32"} data = json.dumps(fig["data"]) layout = json.dumps(fig["layout"]) # This is the entire html as generated by self.fig.to_html # except we replace the data and layout manually # and transform it from base64 to TypedArrays html = ( r"""<html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /></head><body><div>""" r"""<script type="text/javascript">window.PlotlyConfig = {MathJaxConfig: 'local'};</script>""" r"""<script src=""></script>""" r"""<div id="56dedbe2-a786-4b0b-8232-b68dfd7b9eb5" class="plotly-graph-div" style="height:100%; width:100%;"></div>""" r"""<script type="text/javascript">""" r"""window.PLOTLYENV=window.PLOTLYENV || {};""" r"""if (document.getElementById("56dedbe2-a786-4b0b-8232-b68dfd7b9eb5")) {""" f"data = {data};" f"layout = {layout};" r"""const FromBase64 = function (str) {return new Uint8Array(atob(str).split('').map(function (c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); }));};""" r"""for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++){""" r"""let data_x = data[i];""" r"""let data_y = data[i];""" r"""data[i].x = new Float32Array(FromBase64(data_x).buffer);""" r"""data[i].y = new Float32Array(FromBase64(data_y).buffer);""" r"""}""" r"""Plotly.newPlot("56dedbe2-a786-4b0b-8232-b68dfd7b9eb5", data, layout, {"responsive": true})};""" r"""</script></div></body></html>""" ) # Finally try to minimize if possible if htmlmin is not None: html = htmlmin.minify(html, remove_empty_space=True) with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(html) else: write_image(self.fig, filename)
[docs] def show(self):
[docs] def shift_mask(self, x, mask): """shift the edges of the mask to the bottom of the plot, so that the mask creates a shape with straight edges""" for i in np.where(mask)[0]: try: if mask[i] == mask[i + 1]: x[i] = x[i - 1] else: x[i] = x[i + 1] except IndexError: pass return x
[docs] def create_mask_points(self, x, y, mask, value): """Creates the points that define the outer edge of the mask region""" mask = mask != value x = np.copy(x) y = np.copy(y) y[mask] = 0 x = self.shift_mask(x, mask) return x, y
[docs] def create_plot(self, current_segment): """Generate the plot componentes (lines and masks) and line labels""" annotations = {} visible = [] data = [] line_mask_idx = {} cont_mask_idx = {} for seg in range(self.nsegments): k = len(visible) line_mask_idx[seg] = k cont_mask_idx[seg] = k + 1 # The order of the plots is chosen by the z order, from low to high # Masks should be below the spectra (so they don't hide half of the line) # Synthetic on top of observation, because synthetic varies less than observation # Annoying I know, but plotly doesn't seem to have good controls for the z order # Or Legend order for that matter if ( self.mask is not None and self.spec is not None and self.wave is not None ): # Line mask x, y = self.create_mask_points( self.wave[seg], self.spec[seg], self.mask[seg], 1 ) data += [ dict( x=x, y=y, fillcolor=fmt["LineMask"]["facecolor"], fill="tozeroy", mode="none", name=self.labels.get("linemask", "Line Mask"), hoverinfo="none", legendgroup=2, visible=current_segment == seg, ) ] visible += [seg] # Cont mask x, y = self.create_mask_points( self.wave[seg], self.spec[seg], self.mask[seg], 2 ) data += [ dict( x=x, y=y, fillcolor=fmt["ContMask"]["facecolor"], fill="tozeroy", mode="none", name=self.labels.get("contmask", "Continuum Mask"), hoverinfo="none", legendgroup=2, visible=current_segment == seg, ) ] visible += [seg] if self.spec is not None: # Observation data += [ dict( x=self.wave[seg], y=self.spec[seg], line={"color": fmt["Obs"]["color"]}, name=self.labels.get("obs", "Observation"), legendgroup=0, visible=current_segment == seg, ) ] visible += [seg] # Synthetic, if available if self.smod is not None: data += [ dict( x=self.wave[seg], y=self.smod[seg], name=self.labels.get("synth", "Synthetic"), line={"color": fmt["Syn"]["color"]}, legendgroup=1, visible=current_segment == seg, ) ] visible += [seg] if self.orig is not None: data += [ dict( x=self.wave[seg], y=self.orig[seg], name=self.labels.get("orig", "Original"), line={"color": fmt["Orig"]["color"], "dash": "dash"}, legendgroup=1, visible=current_segment == seg, ) ] visible += [seg] # mark important lines if self.lines is not None and len(self.lines) != 0: seg_annotations = [] xlimits = self.wave[seg][[0, -1]] xlimits *= 1 - self.vrad[seg] / clight lines = (self.lines.wlcent > xlimits[0]) & ( self.lines.wlcent < xlimits[1] ) lines = self.lines[lines] # Filter out closely packaged lines of the same species # Threshold for the distance between lines wlcent, labels = [], [] threshold = np.diff(xlimits)[0] / 100 species = np.unique(lines["species"]) for sp in species: sp_lines = lines["wlcent"][lines["species"] == sp] diff = np.diff(sp_lines) sp_mask = diff < threshold if np.any(sp_mask): idx = np.where(np.diff(sp_mask))[0] idx = [0, *idx, len(sp_mask) + 1] idx = np.unique(idx) for i, j in zip(idx[:-1], idx[1:]): sp_wmid = np.mean(sp_lines[i:j]) sp_label = f"{sp} +{j-i-1}" wlcent += [sp_wmid] labels += [sp_label] else: for sp_wmid in sp_lines: wlcent += [sp_wmid] labels += [sp] wlcent = np.array(wlcent) labels = np.array(labels) # Keep only the 100 stongest lines for performance # if "depth" in lines.columns: # lines.sort("depth", ascending=False) # lines = lines[:20] # else: # idx = np.random.choice(len(lines), 20, replace=False) # lines = lines[idx] x = wlcent * (1 + self.vrad[seg] / clight) if self.smod is not None and len(self.smod[seg]) != 0: y = np.interp(x, self.wave[seg], self.smod[seg]) else: y = np.interp(x, self.wave[seg], self.spec[seg]) if self.smod is not None and len(self.smod[seg]) > 0: ytop = np.max(self.smod[seg]) elif self.spec is not None and len(self.spec[seg]) > 0: ytop = np.max(self.spec[seg]) else: ytop = 1 for i, line in enumerate(labels): seg_annotations += [ { "x": x[i], "y": y[i], "xref": "x", "yref": "y", "text": f"{labels[i]}", "hovertext": f"{wlcent[i]}", "textangle": 90, "opacity": 1, "ax": 0, "ay": 1.2 * ytop, "ayref": "y", "showarrow": True, "arrowhead": 7, "xanchor": "left", } ] annotations[seg] = seg_annotations self.visible = visible self.line_mask_idx = line_mask_idx self.cont_mask_idx = cont_mask_idx return data, annotations
[docs] def selection_fn(self, trace, points, selector): """Callback for area selection, changes the mask depending on selected mode""" self.segment = self.fig.layout["sliders"][0].active seg = self.segment xrange = selector.xrange wave = self.wave[seg] mask = self.mask[seg] # Choose pixels and value depending on selected type if self.mask_type == "good": value = 1 idx = (wave > xrange[0]) & (wave < xrange[1]) & (mask == 0) elif self.mask_type == "bad": value = 0 idx = (wave > xrange[0]) & (wave < xrange[1]) elif self.mask_type == "line": value = 1 idx = (wave > xrange[0]) & (wave < xrange[1]) & (mask != 0) print(np.count_nonzero(idx)) elif self.mask_type == "cont": value = 2 idx = (wave > xrange[0]) & (wave < xrange[1]) & (mask == 1) else: return # Apply changes if any if np.count_nonzero(idx) != 0: self.mask[seg][idx] = value with self.fig.batch_update(): # Update Line Mask m = self.line_mask_idx[seg] x, y = self.create_mask_points( self.wave[seg], self.spec[seg], self.mask[seg], 1 )[m].x = x[m].y = y # Update Cont Mask m = self.cont_mask_idx[seg] x, y = self.create_mask_points( self.wave[seg], self.spec[seg], self.mask[seg], 2 )[m].x = x[m].y = y
[docs] def on_toggle_click(self, change): """Callback for mask mode selector buttons""" change = change["new"] if change == "Good": self.set_mask_good() elif change == "Bad": self.set_mask_bad() elif change == "Continuum": self.set_mask_continuum() elif change == "Line": self.set_mask_line()
[docs] def set_mask_good(self, _=None): """Called by clicking the 'good' mask button""" self.set_mask_type("good")
[docs] def set_mask_bad(self, _=None): """Called by clicking the 'bad' mask button""" self.set_mask_type("bad")
[docs] def set_mask_line(self, _=None): """Called by clicking the 'line' mask button""" self.set_mask_type("line")
[docs] def set_mask_continuum(self, _=None): """Called by clicking the 'continuum' mask button""" self.set_mask_type("cont")
[docs] def set_mask_type(self, type): """Changes the mask change mode and chooses the current interactive tool""" self.mask_type = type self.fig.layout["dragmode"] = "select"
[docs] def add(self, x, y, label=""): """adds a scatter plot to the image, and makes the necessary changes in the slider""" self.fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y, name=label, legendgroup=10) self.visible += [-1] # Update Sliders steps = [] for i in range(self.nsegments): step_visible = [(v == i) or (v == -1) for v in self.visible] step = { "label": f"Segment {i}", "method": "update", "args": [ {"visible": step_visible}, { "title": f"Segment {i}", "annotations": self.annotations[i], "xaxis": {"range": list(self.wran[i])}, "yaxis": {"autorange": True}, }, ], } steps += [step] self.fig.layout["sliders"][0]["steps"] = steps