Source code for pysme.cwrapper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Wrapper for IDL style C libary code
``{return_type} {func_name}(int argv, void *argc[]);``

with argv - number of parameters
and argc - list of pointers to those parameters
import ctypes as ct
import logging
import platform
import warnings

import numpy as np

from .smelib.libtools import load_library

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IDL_String(ct.Structure): """ IDL strings are actually structures like this one, for correct passing of values we need to define this structure NOTE: the definition might have changed with IDL version, so make sure to use the same one as in the C code """ _fields_ = [("slen", ct.c_int), ("stype", ct.c_ushort), ("s", ct.c_char_p)]
MAX_ELEM = 100 MOSIZE = 288 MUSIZE = 77 MAX_PATHLEN = 512 MAX_OUT_LEN = 511 SP_LEN = 8
[docs]class GlobalState(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("NRHOX", ct.c_short), ("NRHOX_allocated", ct.c_short), ("MOTYPE", ct.c_short), ("TEFF", ct.c_double), ("GRAV", ct.c_double), ("WLSTD", ct.c_double), ("RADIUS", ct.c_double), ("NumberSpectralSegments", ct.c_int), ("NLINES", ct.c_int), ("NWAVE_C", ct.c_int), ("WFIRST", ct.c_double), ("WLAST", ct.c_double), ("VW_SCALE", ct.c_double), ("N_SPLIST", ct.c_int), ("IXH1", ct.c_int), ("IXH2", ct.c_int), ("IXH2mol", ct.c_int), ("IXH2pl", ct.c_int), ("IXHMIN", ct.c_int), ("IXHE1", ct.c_int), ("IXHE2", ct.c_int), ("IXHE3", ct.c_int), ("IXC1", ct.c_int), ("IXAL1", ct.c_int), ("IXSI1", ct.c_int), ("IXSI2", ct.c_int), ("IXCA1", ct.c_int), ("IXMG1", ct.c_int), ("IXMG2", ct.c_int), ("IXCA2", ct.c_int), ("IXN1", ct.c_int), ("IXFE1", ct.c_int), ("IXO1", ct.c_int), ("IXCH", ct.c_int), ("IXNH", ct.c_int), ("IXOH", ct.c_int), ("PATHLEN", ct.c_int), ("change_byte_order", ct.c_int), ("allocated_NLTE_lines", ct.c_int), ("flagMODEL", ct.c_short), ("flagWLRANGE", ct.c_short), ("flagABUND", ct.c_short), ("flagLINELIST", ct.c_short), ("flagIONIZ", ct.c_short), ("flagCONTIN", ct.c_short), ("lineOPACITIES", ct.c_short), ("flagH2broad", ct.c_short), ("initNLTE", ct.c_short), ("IFOP", ct.c_short * 20), ("ABUND", ct.c_float * MAX_ELEM), ("RHOX", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("T", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("XNE", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("XNA", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("RHO", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("VTURB", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("RAD_ATMO", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("XNA_eos", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("XNE_eos", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("RHO_eos", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("AHYD", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("AH2P", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("AHMIN", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("SIGH", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("AHE1", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("AHE2", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("AHEMIN", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("SIGHE", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("ACOOL", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("ALUKE", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("AHOT", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("SIGEL", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("SIGH2", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("TKEV", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("TK", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("HKT", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("TLOG", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("FREQ", ct.c_double), ("FREQLG", ct.c_double), ("EHVKT", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("STIM", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("BNU", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("H1FRACT", ct.c_float * MOSIZE), ("HE1FRACT", ct.c_float * MOSIZE), ("H2molFRACT", ct.c_float * MOSIZE), ("COPBLU", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("COPRED", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("COPSTD", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("LINEOP", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double) * MOSIZE), ("AVOIGT", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double) * MOSIZE), ("VVOIGT", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double) * MOSIZE), ("LTE_b", ct.c_double * MOSIZE), ("PATH", ct.c_char * MAX_PATHLEN), ("debug_print", ct.c_int), ("ATOTAL", ct.POINTER(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double))), ("INDX_C", ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)), ("YABUND", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("XMASS", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("EXCUP", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("ENU4", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("ENL4", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("BNLTE_low", ct.POINTER(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double))), ("BNLTE_upp", ct.POINTER(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double))), ("FRACT", ct.POINTER(ct.POINTER(ct.c_float))), ("PARTITION_FUNCTIONS", ct.POINTER(ct.POINTER(ct.c_float))), ("POTION", ct.POINTER(ct.c_float)), ("MOLWEIGHT", ct.POINTER(ct.c_float)), ("MARK", ct.POINTER(ct.c_short)), ("AUTOION", ct.POINTER(ct.c_short)), ("IDLHEL", ct.POINTER(ct.c_short)), ("ION", ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)), ("ANSTEE", ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)), ("WLCENT", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("EXCIT", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("GF", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("GAMRAD", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("GAMQST", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("GAMVW", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("ALMAX", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("Wlim_left", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("Wlim_right", ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ("SPLIST", ct.c_char_p), ("spname", ct.c_char_p), ("SPINDEX", ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)), ("flagNLTE", ct.POINTER(ct.c_short)), ("result", ct.c_char * (MAX_OUT_LEN + 1)), ]
[docs] def free_linelist(self): if self.flagLINELIST: self.spname = None self.SPINDEX = None self.ION = None self.MARK = None self.AUTOION = None self.WLCENT = None self.EXCIT = None self.GF = None self.GAMRAD = None self.GAMQST = None self.GAMVW = None self.ANSTEE = None self.IDLHEL = None self.ALMAX = None self.Wlim_left = None self.Wlim_right = None self.flagLINELIST = 0
[docs] def free_ionization(self): if self.flagIONIZ: self.SPLIST = None for i in range(self.NRHOX_allocated): self.FRACT[i] = None self.PARTITION_FUNCTIONS[i] = None self.FRACT = None self.PARTITION_FUNCTIONS = None self.POTION = None self.MOLWEIGHT = None self.flagIONIZ = 0
[docs] def free_opacities(self): if self.lineOPACITIES: for i in range(self.NRHOX): self.LINEOP[i] = None self.AVOIGT[i] = None self.VVOIGT[i] = None self.lineOPACITIES = 0
[docs]def get_lib_name(): """Get the name of the sme C library""" system = platform.system().lower() arch = platform.machine() bits = 64 # platform.architecture()[0][:-3] return "{system}.{arch}.{bits}".format( system=system, arch=arch, bits=bits )
[docs]def get_typenames(arg): """ Return internal typename based on the type of the argument strings -> "unicode" floating points -> "double" integers -> "int" """ if isinstance(arg, (str, np.str)) or ( isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) and np.issubdtype(arg.dtype, np.str) ): return "unicode" if isinstance(arg, (float, np.floating)) or ( isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) and np.issubdtype(arg.dtype, np.floating) ): return "double" if isinstance(arg, (int, np.integer)) or ( isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) and np.issubdtype(arg.dtype, np.integer) ): return "int" raise ValueError("argument datatype not understood")
[docs]def get_dtype(type): """ Get the ctypes dtype appropiate for the passed type string Parameters ------- type : str One of 'int', 'short', 'long', 'float', 'double', 'unicode' or one of the first letters 'islfdu' Returns ------ type: class corresponding ctypes type """ if type in ["i", "int", int]: return ct.c_int elif type in ["s", "short"]: return ct.c_short elif type in ["l", "long"]: return ct.c_long elif type in ["f", "float"]: return ct.c_float elif type in ["d", "double", float]: return ct.c_double elif type in ["u", "unicode", "str", str]: return IDL_String elif type in ["state", GlobalState]: return ct.POINTER(GlobalState) else: raise ValueError("Data type {type} not understood".format(type=type))
[docs]def is_nullptr(ptr): try: # If we can access it without an exception its not a null ptr tmp = ptr[0] return False except ValueError: return True
[docs]def get_c_dtype(ptr): if isinstance(ptr, bytes): return ct.c_char while hasattr(ptr, "contents"): ptr = ptr._type_ return ptr
[docs]def get_c_shape(field, ptr, state): if isinstance(ptr, bytes): return (len(ptr),) if isinstance(ptr, ct._Pointer): if isinstance(ptr[0], ct._Pointer): size1 = state.contents.NRHOX size2 = state.contents.N_SPLIST return (size1, size2) else: size = state.contents.NLINES return (size,) return None
[docs]def idl_call_external(funcname, *args, restype="str", type=None, lib=None, state=None): r""" Call an external C library (here the SME lib) function that uses the IDL type interface i.e. restype func(int n, void \*args[]), where n is the number of arguments, and args is a list of pointers to the arguments Input arrays will be converted to the required datatype for the C function (see type keyword), and any changes to input arrays will be written back if possible. Input arrays that are already in the correct datatype will not be copied (and the values can therefore change in the C call) Note that all strings are converted into IDL_String objects, even those that are in arrays Parameters ---------- funcname : str Name of the function to call in the library restype : str, optional expected type of the return value (default: "str") type : str, list(str), optional type of the input parameters, will default to int/double for all integer/floating point values. Accepted values are ('short', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'double', 'unicode') or their respective first letters. This means one can use a string as shorthand, e.g. "iidds" Returns ------- value : restype return value of the function call """ # Load library if that wasn't done yet if lib is None: lib = load_library() # prepare input arguments args = list(args) staying_alive = [a for a in args] original = [a for a in args] # datatype is determined by passed type keyword # defaults to 'int' for all integer type values and 'double' for all floating point values if type is None: type = [get_typenames(a) for a in args] elif type in ["short", "int", "long", "float", "double"]: type = [type for i in range(len(args))] # Parse arguments into c values # keep Python elements in staying alive, so they are not discarded by the garbage collection for i in range(len(args)): # Single values if isinstance(args[i], (int, float, np.number)): dtype = get_dtype(type[i]) staying_alive[i] = np.array(args[i]).astype(dtype, copy=False).ctypes args[i] = staying_alive[i].data elif isinstance(args[i], str): staying_alive[i] = IDL_String( slen=len(args[i]), stype=1, s=args[i].encode() ) args[i] = ct.addressof(staying_alive[i]) # Arrays elif isinstance(args[i], (list, np.ndarray)): if isinstance(args[i], list): # enforce numpy arrays args[i] = np.array(args[i]) if np.issubdtype(args[i].dtype, np.number) or np.issubdtype( args[i].dtype, np.bool_ ): dtype = get_dtype(type[i]) args[i] = np.require( args[i], dtype=dtype, requirements=["C", "A", "W", "O"] ) staying_alive[i] = args[i].ctypes args[i] = staying_alive[i].data elif np.issubdtype(args[i].dtype, np.str_) or np.issubdtype( args[i].dtype, np.bytes_ ): args[i] = args[i].astype("S") staying_alive.append(args[i]) length = [len(a) for a in args[i]] args[i] = [ IDL_String(slen=l, stype=1, s=s) for s, l in zip(args[i], length) ] staying_alive.append(args[i]) strarr = (IDL_String * len(args[i]))() for j in range(len(args[i])): strarr[j] = args[i][j] staying_alive[i] = strarr args[i] = ct.addressof(strarr) else: raise TypeError("Array datatype not understood") else: raise TypeError("Argument type not understood") # Load function and define parameters func = getattr(lib, funcname) if state is not None: func.argtypes = ( ct.c_int, ct.POINTER(ct.c_void_p), ct.POINTER(GlobalState), ) else: func.argtypes = (ct.c_int, ct.POINTER(ct.c_void_p)) if restype in ["str", str]: func.restype = ct.c_char_p else: func.restype = get_dtype(restype) # Convert input parameters to list of void pointers a = np.array(args, dtype=ct.c_void_p) a = np.ascontiguousarray(a) argc = len(args) argv = a.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_void_p)) # C function call if state is not None: res = func(argc, argv, state) else: res = func(argc, argv) # Try to copy back data to the original array memory (if necessary) for i in range(len(original)): if isinstance(original[i], np.ndarray): if np.issubdtype(original[i].dtype, np.number) or np.issubdtype( original[i].dtype, np.bool_ ): # do nothing if its the same array if original[i] is staying_alive[i]._arr: continue arr = staying_alive[i]._arr elif np.issubdtype(original[i].dtype, np.str_): # For string arrays recover the strings from the IDL_String structure arr = [s.s.decode() for s in staying_alive[i]] else: # Shouldn't happen continue # If nothing was changed then all is good if not np.all(original[i] == arr): try: original[i][:] = arr except ValueError as ve: print( "WARNING: Array values changed, but could not be written back to the original array\n{ve}".format( ve=str(ve) ) ) return res
[docs]class IDL_DLL: _instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = object.__new__(cls) IDL_DLL.init(cls._instance, *args, **kwargs) return cls._instance
[docs] @staticmethod def init(self, libfile=None): self.libfile = libfile self.lib = load_library(libfile) # Pick best interface self.interfaces = self.get_interfaces() if "Parallel" in self.interfaces: self.interface = "Parallel" elif "IDL" in self.interfaces: self.interface = "IDL" else: self.interface = self.interfaces[0]
def __getattr__(self, name): return lambda *args, **kwargs:, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def call(self, name, *args, raise_error=True, raise_warning=False, **kwargs): """ run idl_call_external and check for errors in the output Parameters ---------- name : str name of the external C function to call args parameters for the function kwargs keywords for the function Raises -------- ValueError If the returned string is not empty, it means an error occured in the C library """ error = "" try: error = idl_call_external( self.get_name(name), *args, lib=self.lib, **kwargs ) except AttributeError as ex: error = "Using obsolete SME Library; {ex}".format(ex=ex) raise_error = False raise_warning = True if error != b"": if hasattr(error, "decode"): error = error.decode() if raise_error: raise ValueError( "{name} (call external): {error}".format(name=name, error=error) ) if raise_warning: warnings.warn( "{name} (call external): {error}".format(name=name, error=error) ) return error
[docs] def get_name(self, funname): if self.interface == "Parallel": return f"Parallel_{funname}" elif self.interface == "IDL": return funname elif self.interface == "Cython": return f"Cython_{funname}" else: raise ValueError
[docs] def new_state(self): # ctypes initializes the fields to 0/NULL by default state = GlobalState() return ct.pointer(state)
[docs] def free_state(self, state): del state
[docs] def copy_state(self, state): new = GlobalState() new.NRHOX = state.contents.NRHOX new.NRHOX_allocated = state.contents.NRHOX_allocated new.MOTYPE = state.contents.MOTYPE new.TEFF = state.contents.TEFF new.GRAV = state.contents.GRAV new.WLSTD = state.contents.WLSTD new.RADIUS = state.contents.RADIUS new.NumberSpectralSegments = state.contents.NumberSpectralSegments new.NLINES = state.contents.NLINES new.NWAVE_C = state.contents.NWAVE_C new.WFIRST = state.contents.WFIRST new.WLAST = state.contents.WLAST new.VW_SCALE = state.contents.VW_SCALE new.N_SPLIST = state.contents.N_SPLIST new.IXH1 = state.contents.IXH1 new.IXH2 = state.contents.IXH2 new.IXH2mol = state.contents.IXH2mol new.IXH2pl = state.contents.IXH2pl new.IXHMIN = state.contents.IXHMIN new.IXHE1 = state.contents.IXHE1 new.IXHE2 = state.contents.IXHE2 new.IXHE3 = state.contents.IXHE3 new.IXC1 = state.contents.IXC1 new.IXAL1 = state.contents.IXAL1 new.IXSI1 = state.contents.IXSI1 new.IXSI2 = state.contents.IXSI2 new.IXCA1 = state.contents.IXCA1 new.IXMG1 = state.contents.IXMG1 new.IXMG2 = state.contents.IXMG2 new.IXCA2 = state.contents.IXCA2 new.IXN1 = state.contents.IXN1 new.IXFE1 = state.contents.IXFE1 new.IXO1 = state.contents.IXO1 new.IXCH = state.contents.IXCH new.IXNH = state.contents.IXNH new.IXOH = state.contents.IXOH new.PATHLEN = state.contents.PATHLEN new.change_byte_order = state.contents.change_byte_order new.allocated_NLTE_lines = state.contents.allocated_NLTE_lines new.flagMODEL = state.contents.flagMODEL new.flagWLRANGE = state.contents.flagWLRANGE new.flagABUND = state.contents.flagABUND new.flagLINELIST = state.contents.flagLINELIST new.flagIONIZ = state.contents.flagIONIZ new.flagCONTIN = state.contents.flagCONTIN new.lineOPACITIES = state.contents.lineOPACITIES new.flagH2broad = state.contents.flagH2broad new.initNLTE = state.contents.initNLTE new.FREQ = state.contents.FREQ new.FREQLG = state.contents.FREQLG new.debug_print = state.contents.debug_print ct.memmove(new.IFOP, state.contents.IFOP, ct.sizeof(new.IFOP)) ct.memmove(new.ABUND, state.contents.ABUND, ct.sizeof(new.ABUND)) ct.memmove(new.RHOX, state.contents.RHOX, ct.sizeof(new.RHOX)) ct.memmove(new.T, state.contents.T, ct.sizeof(new.T)) ct.memmove(new.XNE, state.contents.XNE, ct.sizeof(new.XNE)) ct.memmove(new.XNA, state.contents.XNA, ct.sizeof(new.XNA)) ct.memmove(new.RHO, state.contents.RHO, ct.sizeof(new.RHO)) ct.memmove(new.VTURB, state.contents.VTURB, ct.sizeof(new.VTURB)) ct.memmove(new.RAD_ATMO, state.contents.RAD_ATMO, ct.sizeof(new.RAD_ATMO)) ct.memmove(new.XNA_eos, state.contents.XNA_eos, ct.sizeof(new.XNA_eos)) ct.memmove(new.XNE_eos, state.contents.XNE_eos, ct.sizeof(new.XNE_eos)) ct.memmove(new.RHO_eos, state.contents.RHO_eos, ct.sizeof(new.RHO_eos)) ct.memmove(new.AHYD, state.contents.AHYD, ct.sizeof(new.AHYD)) ct.memmove(new.AH2P, state.contents.AH2P, ct.sizeof(new.AH2P)) ct.memmove(new.AHMIN, state.contents.AHMIN, ct.sizeof(new.AHMIN)) ct.memmove(new.SIGH, state.contents.SIGH, ct.sizeof(new.SIGH)) ct.memmove(new.AHE1, state.contents.AHE1, ct.sizeof(new.AHE1)) ct.memmove(new.AHE2, state.contents.AHE2, ct.sizeof(new.AHE2)) ct.memmove(new.AHEMIN, state.contents.AHEMIN, ct.sizeof(new.AHEMIN)) ct.memmove(new.SIGHE, state.contents.SIGHE, ct.sizeof(new.SIGHE)) ct.memmove(new.ACOOL, state.contents.ACOOL, ct.sizeof(new.ACOOL)) ct.memmove(new.ALUKE, state.contents.ALUKE, ct.sizeof(new.ALUKE)) ct.memmove(new.AHOT, state.contents.AHOT, ct.sizeof(new.AHOT)) ct.memmove(new.SIGEL, state.contents.SIGEL, ct.sizeof(new.SIGEL)) ct.memmove(new.SIGH2, state.contents.SIGH2, ct.sizeof(new.SIGH2)) ct.memmove(new.TKEV, state.contents.TKEV, ct.sizeof(new.TKEV)) ct.memmove(new.TK, state.contents.TK, ct.sizeof(new.TK)) ct.memmove(new.HKT, state.contents.HKT, ct.sizeof(new.HKT)) ct.memmove(new.TLOG, state.contents.TLOG, ct.sizeof(new.TLOG)) ct.memmove(new.EHVKT, state.contents.EHVKT, ct.sizeof(new.EHVKT)) ct.memmove(new.STIM, state.contents.STIM, ct.sizeof(new.STIM)) ct.memmove(new.BNU, state.contents.BNU, ct.sizeof(new.BNU)) ct.memmove(new.H1FRACT, state.contents.H1FRACT, ct.sizeof(new.H1FRACT)) ct.memmove(new.HE1FRACT, state.contents.HE1FRACT, ct.sizeof(new.HE1FRACT)) ct.memmove( new.H2molFRACT, state.contents.H2molFRACT, ct.sizeof(new.H2molFRACT), ) ct.memmove(new.COPBLU, state.contents.COPBLU, ct.sizeof(new.COPBLU)) ct.memmove(new.COPRED, state.contents.COPRED, ct.sizeof(new.COPRED)) ct.memmove(new.COPSTD, state.contents.COPSTD, ct.sizeof(new.COPSTD)) ct.memmove(new.LTE_b, state.contents.LTE_b, ct.sizeof(new.LTE_b)) nrhox = state.contents.NRHOX nsplist = state.contents.N_SPLIST nlines = state.contents.NLINES def ct_copy(new, state, field, shape, dtype=None): value = getattr(state.contents, field) dtype = get_c_dtype(value) if dtype is None else dtype if is_nullptr(value): return None if len(shape) == 1: copy = (dtype * shape[0])() ct.memmove(copy, value, shape[0] * ct.sizeof(dtype)) if len(shape) == 2: copy = (ct.POINTER(dtype) * shape[0])() for i in range(shape[0]): copy[i] = (dtype * shape[1])() ct.memmove(copy[i], value[i], shape[1] * ct.sizeof(dtype)) return copy for i in range(nrhox): new.LINEOP[i] = (ct.c_double * nlines)() ct.memmove( new.LINEOP[i], state.contents.LINEOP[i], nlines * ct.sizeof(ct.c_double), ) new.AVOIGT[i] = (ct.c_double * nlines)() ct.memmove( new.AVOIGT[i], state.contents.AVOIGT[i], nlines * ct.sizeof(ct.c_double), ) new.VVOIGT[i] = (ct.c_double * nlines)() ct.memmove( new.VVOIGT[i], state.contents.VVOIGT[i], nlines * ct.sizeof(ct.c_double), ) new.ATOTAL = ct_copy(new, state, "ATOTAL", (nrhox, nsplist), ct.c_double) new.INDX_C = ct_copy(new, state, "INDX_C", (nlines,), ct.c_int) new.YABUND = ct_copy(new, state, "YABUND", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.XMASS = ct_copy(new, state, "XMASS", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.EXCUP = ct_copy(new, state, "EXCUP", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.ENU4 = ct_copy(new, state, "ENU4", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.ENL4 = ct_copy(new, state, "ENL4", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.BNLTE_low = ct_copy(new, state, "BNLTE_low", (nlines, nrhox), ct.c_double) new.BNLTE_upp = ct_copy(new, state, "BNLTE_upp", (nlines, nrhox), ct.c_double) new.FRACT = ct_copy(new, state, "FRACT", (nrhox, nsplist), ct.c_float) new.PARTITION_FUNCTIONS = ct_copy( new, state, "PARTITION_FUNCTIONS", (nrhox, nsplist), ct.c_float ) new.POTION = ct_copy(new, state, "POTION", (nsplist,), ct.c_float) new.MOLWEIGHT = ct_copy(new, state, "MOLWEIGHT", (nsplist,), ct.c_float) new.MARK = ct_copy(new, state, "MARK", (nlines,), ct.c_short) new.AUTOION = ct_copy(new, state, "AUTOION", (nlines,), ct.c_short) new.IDLHEL = ct_copy(new, state, "IDLHEL", (nlines,), ct.c_short) new.ION = ct_copy(new, state, "ION", (nlines,), ct.c_int) new.ANSTEE = ct_copy(new, state, "ANSTEE", (nlines,), ct.c_int) new.WLCENT = ct_copy(new, state, "WLCENT", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.EXCIT = ct_copy(new, state, "EXCIT", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.GF = ct_copy(new, state, "GF", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.GAMRAD = ct_copy(new, state, "GAMRAD", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.GAMQST = ct_copy(new, state, "GAMQST", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.GAMVW = ct_copy(new, state, "GAMVW", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.ALMAX = ct_copy(new, state, "ALMAX", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.Wlim_left = ct_copy(new, state, "Wlim_left", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.Wlim_right = ct_copy(new, state, "Wlim_right", (nlines,), ct.c_double) new.SPINDEX = ct_copy(new, state, "SPINDEX", (nlines,), ct.c_int) new.flagNLTE = ct_copy(new, state, "flagNLTE", (nlines,), ct.c_short) new.SPLIST = state.contents.SPLIST new.spname = state.contents.spname new.PATH = state.contents.PATH new.result = state.contents.result return ct.pointer(new)
[docs] def get_interfaces(self): try: interfaces = idl_call_external("GetInterfaces") interfaces = interfaces.decode() interfaces = interfaces.split(";") except AttributeError: # Old Library without that function interfaces = ["IDL"] return interfaces