Source code for pysme.atmosphere.atmosphere

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Handles reading and interpolation of atmopshere (grid) data """
import logging

import numpy as np
from flex.extensions.bindata import MultipleDataExtension

from ..abund import Abund
from ..data_structure import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AtmosphereError(RuntimeError): """Something went wrong with the atmosphere interpolation"""
[docs]@CollectionFactory class Atmosphere(Collection): """ Atmosphere structure contains all information to describe the solar atmosphere i.e. temperature etc in the different layers as well as stellar parameters and abundances """ # fmt: off _fields = [ ("teff", 5770, asfloat, this, "float: effective temperature in Kelvin"), ("logg", 4.0, asfloat, this, "float: surface gravity in log10(cgs)"), ("abund",, this, this, "Abund: elemental abundances"), ("vturb", 0, absolute, this, "float: turbulence velocity in km/s"), ("lonh", 0, asfloat, this, "float: ?"), ("source", "marcs2012.sav", this, this, "str: datafile name of this data, or atmosphere grid/file"), ("method", "grid", lowercase(oneof("grid", "embedded")), this, "str: whether the data source is a grid or a fixed atmosphere"), ("geom", "PP", uppercase(oneof("PP", "SPH", None)), this, "str: the geometry of the atmopshere model"), ("radius", 0, asfloat, this, "float: radius of the spherical model"), ("height", None, array(None, "f8"), this, "array: height of the spherical model"), ("opflag", [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], array(20, int), this, "array of size (20,): opacity flags"), ("wlstd", 5000, asfloat, this, "float: wavelength standard deviation"), ("depth", None, uppercase(oneof(None, "RHOX", "TAU")), this, "str: flag that determines whether to use RHOX or TAU for calculations"), ("interp", None, uppercase(oneof(None, "RHOX", "TAU")), this, "str: flag that determines whether to use RHOX or TAU for interpolation"), ("rhox", None, array(None, "f8"), this, "array: mass column density"), ("tau", None, array(None, "f8"), this, "array: continuum optical depth"), ("temp", None, array(None, "f8"), this, "array: temperature profile in Kelvin"), ("rho", None, array(None, "f8"), this, "array: density profile"), ("xna", None, array(None, "f8"), this, "array: number density of atoms in 1/cm**3"), ("xne", None, array(None, "f8"), this, "array: number density of electrons in 1/cm**3"), ("citation_info", "", asstr, this, "str: citation for this atmosphere"), ] # fmt: on # TODO: pick the right geometry for the grid, based on whether it has height/radius values or not def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): monh = kwargs.pop("monh", kwargs.pop("feh", 0)) abund = kwargs.pop("abund", "empty") abund_format = kwargs.pop("abund_format", "sme") if "geom" in kwargs.keys() and kwargs["geom"] == "": kwargs["geom"] = None super().__init__(**kwargs) self.abund = Abund(monh=monh, pattern=abund, type=abund_format) @property def monh(self): """float: metallicity""" return self.abund.monh @monh.setter def monh(self, value): self.abund.monh = value @property def names(self): return self._names + ["monh"] @property def dtype(self): obj = lambda: None obj.names = [n.lower() for n in self.names] return obj @property def ndep(self): scale = self.temp if scale is not None: return scale.shape[0] return None @ndep.setter def ndep(self, value): pass def _save(self): data = {} ext2 = self.abund._save() header = ext2.header data["abund"] = header["abund_format"] = header["type"] del header["type"] for name in self._names: value = self[name] if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): data[name] = value elif value is None or isinstance(value, Abund): pass else: # if isinstance(value, (np.floating, np.integer, np.str, float, int, str)): header[name] = value ext = MultipleDataExtension(header, data) return ext @classmethod def _load(cls, ext): header = ext.header header.update( obj = cls(**header) return obj
[docs]@CollectionFactory class AtmosphereGrid(np.recarray): """ A grid of atmospheres, used for the interpolation of model atmospheres. Each entry represents one atmosphere model. """ # fmt: off _fields = [ ("source", None, asstr, this, "str: datafile name of this data"), ("method", "grid", lowercase(oneof("grid", "embedded")), this, "str: whether the data source is a grid or a fixed atmosphere"), ("geom", None, uppercase(oneof(None, "PP", "SPH")), this, "str: the geometry of the atmopshere model"), ("depth", None, uppercase(oneof(None, "RHOX", "TAU")), this, "str: flag that determines whether to use RHOX or TAU for calculations"), ("interp", None, uppercase(oneof(None, "RHOX", "TAU")), this, "str: flag that determines whether to use RHOX or TAU for interpolation"), ("abund_format", "sme", oneof(*Abund._formats), this, "str: format of the Abundance field, as defined by the Abund class"), ("citation_info", "", asstr, this, "str: Citation text to cite in your papers"), ] # fmt: on def __new__(cls, natmo, npoints, **kwargs): dtype = [ ("teff", "f4"), ("logg", "f4"), ("monh", "f4"), ("vturb", "f4"), ("lonh", "f4"), ("radius", "f4"), ("height", f"({npoints},)f4"), ("wlstd", "f4"), ("opflag", "(20,)i4"), ("abund", "(99,)f4"), ("temp", f"({npoints},)f4"), ("rhox", f"({npoints},)f4"), ("tau", f"({npoints},)f4"), ("rho", f"({npoints},)f4"), ("xna", f"({npoints},)f4"), ("xne", f"({npoints},)f4"), ] names = [s[0].lower() for s in dtype] titles = [s[0].upper() for s in dtype] data = super().__new__(cls, (natmo,), dtype=dtype, names=names, titles=titles) data.interp = "TAU" data.depth = "RHOX" data.method = "grid" data.geom = "PP" data.source = "" data.citation_info = "" data.abund_format = "sme" = "" return data def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return self.interp = getattr(obj, "interp", "TAU") self.depth = getattr(obj, "depth", "RHOX") self.method = getattr(obj, "method", "grid") self.geom = getattr(obj, "geom", "PP") self.source = getattr(obj, "source", "") self.citation_info = getattr(obj, "citation_info", "") self.abund_format = getattr(obj, "abund_format", "sme") = getattr(obj, "info", "") def __reduce__(self): # Get the parent's __reduce__ tuple pickled_state = super(AtmosphereGrid, self).__reduce__() # Create our own tuple to pass to __setstate__ new_state = pickled_state[2] + ( self.interp, self.depth, self.source, self.geom, self.citation_info, self.method, self.abund_format,, ) # Return a tuple that replaces the parent's __setstate__ tuple with our own return (pickled_state[0], pickled_state[1], new_state) def __setstate__(self, state): self.interp = state[-8] self.depth = state[-7] self.source = state[-6] self.geom = state[-5] self.citation_info = state[-4] self.method = state[-3] self.abund_format = state[-2] = state[-1] # Call the parent's __setstate__ with the other tuple elements. super(AtmosphereGrid, self).__setstate__(state[0:-8]) def __getitem__(self, key): """Overwrite the getitem routine, so we keep additional properties and/or return an atmosphere object, when only one record is returned""" cls = self.__class__ value = super().__getitem__(key) if isinstance(value, cls) and value.size == 1: return value[0] if isinstance(value, np.record): kwargs = {s: value[s] for s in value.dtype.names} value = Atmosphere(**kwargs) if isinstance(value, (Atmosphere, cls)): for name in self._names: setattr(value, name, getattr(self, name)) return value def __str__(self): return self.source def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def get(self, teff, logg, monh): mask = self.teff == teff mask &= self.logg == logg mask &= self.monh == monh return self[mask]
@property def ndep(self): return self.shape[1]
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save the Atmopshere grid to a file using a numpy save format""" header = { "interp": self.interp, "depth": self.depth, "source": self.source, "geom": self.geom, "citation_info": self.citation_info, "method": self.method, "abund_format": self.abund_format, "info":, } names = list(header.keys()) values = [header[n] for n in names] header = np.rec.array(values, names=names) np.savez(filename, data=self, header=header) return
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename): """Load the atmosphere grid data from disk""" data = np.load(filename) self = data["data"].view(cls) header = data["header"] for k in header.dtype.names: v = header[k][()] setattr(self, k, v) return self