Source code for pysme.abund

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Elemental abundance data handling module
import io
import json
import logging

import numpy as np
from flex.extensions.bindata import BinaryDataExtension

from .persistence import IPersist

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_citation_asplund2009 = r"""
    author = {{Asplund}, Martin and {Grevesse}, Nicolas and {Sauval}, A. Jacques and
    {Scott}, Pat},
    title = "{The Chemical Composition of the Sun}",
    journal = {\araa},
    keywords = {Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics},
    year = "2009",
    month = "Sep",
    volume = {47},
    number = {1},
    pages = {481-522},
    doi = {10.1146/annurev.astro.46.060407.145222},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    eprint = {0909.0948},
    primaryClass = {astro-ph.SR},
    adsurl = {},
    adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

_citation_grevesse2007 = r"""
    author = {{Grevesse}, N. and {Asplund}, M. and {Sauval}, A.~J.},
    title = "{The Solar Chemical Composition}",
    journal = {\ssr},
    keywords = {Sun: abundances, photosphere, corona},
    year = "2007",
    month = "Jun",
    volume = {130},
    number = {1-4},
    pages = {105-114},
    doi = {10.1007/s11214-007-9173-7},
    adsurl = {},
    adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

_citation_lodders2003 = r"""
    author = {{Lodders}, Katharina},
    title = "{Solar System Abundances and Condensation Temperatures of the Elements}",
    journal = {\apj},
    keywords = {Astrochemistry, Meteors, Meteoroids, Solar System: Formation- Sun: Abundances, Sun: Photosphere},
    year = "2003",
    month = "Jul",
    volume = {591},
    number = {2},
    pages = {1220-1247},
    doi = {10.1086/375492},
    adsurl = {},
    adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

_citation_atomic_weights = r"""
  title={Atomic weights of the elements 2001 (IUPAC Technical Report)},
  author={Loss, RD},
  journal={Pure and Applied Chemistry},
  publisher={De Gruyter}

# fmt: off
elements = (
    "H", "He",
    "Li", "Be", "B" , "C" , "N" , "O" , "F" , "Ne",
    "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P" , "S" , "Cl", "Ar",
    "K" , "Ca", "Sc", "Ti", "V" , "Cr", "Mn", "Fe",
    "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn", "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se",
    "Br", "Kr", "Rb", "Sr", "Y" , "Zr", "Nb", "Mo",
    "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn",
    "Sb", "Te", "I" , "Xe", "Cs", "Ba", "La", "Ce",
    "Pr", "Nd", "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy",
    "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb", "Lu", "Hf", "Ta", "W" ,
    "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg", "Tl", "Pb",
    "Bi", "Po", "At", "Rn", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac", "Th",
    "Pa", "U" , "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf",

# index of each element in the pattern data array
elements_dict = {el:i for i, el in enumerate(elements)}

# Array of atomic weights
# From Loss, R. D. 2003, Pure Appl. Chem., 75, 1107, "Atomic Weights
# of the Elements 2001". The isotopic composition of the Sun and stars
# may differ from the terrestrial values listed here!
# For radionuclides that appear only in Table 3, we have adopted the
# atomic mass of the longest lived isotope, rounding to at most two
# digits after the decimal point. These elements are: 43_Tc_98,
# 61_Pm_145, 85_At_210, 86_Rn_222, 87_Fr_223, 88_Ra_226, 89_Ac_227,
# 93_Np_237, 94_Pu_244, 95_Am_243, 96_Cm_247, 97_Bk_247, 98_Cf_251,
# 99_Es_252

_atom_weight = (
    1.00794, 4.002602,
    6.941, 9.012182, 10.811, 12.0107, 14.0067, 15.9994, 18.9984032, 20.1797,
    22.989770, 24.3050, 26.981538, 28.0855, 30.973761, 32.065, 35.453, 39.948,
    39.0983, 40.078, 44.955910, 47.867, 50.9415, 51.9961, 54.938049, 55.845,
    58.933200, 58.6934, 63.546, 65.409, 69.723, 72.64, 74.92160, 78.96,
    79.904, 83.798, 85.4678, 87.62, 88.90585, 91.224, 92.90638,
    95.94, 97.91, 95.94, 101.07, 102.90550, 106.42, 107.8682, 112.411,
    114.818, 118.710, 121.760, 127.60, 126.90447, 131.293, 132.90545, 137.327,
    138.9055, 140.116, 140.90765, 144.24, 144.91, 150.36, 151.964, 157.25,
    158.92534, 162.500, 164.93032, 167.259, 168.93421, 173.04, 174.967, 178.49,
    180.9479, 183.84, 186.207, 190.23, 192.217, 195.078, 196.966, 200.59,
    204.3833, 207.2, 208.98038, 209.99, 222.02, 223.02, 226.03, 227.03,
    232.0381, 231.03588, 238.02891, 237.05, 244.06, 243.06, 247.07, 247.07,
    251.08, 252.08,)

# Asplund, Grevesse, Sauval, Scott (2009,  Annual Review of Astronomy
# and Astrophysics, 47, 481)
_asplund2009 = (
    12.00, 10.93,
    1.05, 1.38, 2.70, 8.43, 7.83, 8.69, 4.56,  7.93,
    6.24,  7.60,  6.45,  7.51,  5.41,  7.12,  5.50,  6.40,
    5.03,  6.34,  3.15,  4.95,  3.93,  5.64,  5.43,  7.50,
    4.99,  6.22,  4.19,  4.56,  3.04,  3.65,  2.30,  3.34,
    2.54,  3.25,  2.52,  2.87,  2.21,  2.58,  1.46,  1.88,
    None,  1.75,  0.91,  1.57,  0.94,  1.71,  0.80,  2.04,
    1.01,  2.18,  1.55,  2.24,  1.08,  2.18,  1.10,  1.58,
    0.72,  1.42,  None,  0.96,  0.52,  1.07,  0.30,  1.10,
    0.48,  0.92,  0.10,  0.84,  0.10,  0.85,  -0.12,  0.85,
    0.26,  1.40,  1.38,  1.62,  0.92,  1.17,  0.90,  1.75,
    0.65,  None,  None,  None,  None,  None,  None,  0.02,
    None,  -0.54,  None,  None,  None,  None,  None,  None,

# Grevesse, Asplund, Sauval (2007, Space Science Review, 130, 105)
_grevesse2007 = (
    12.00, 10.93,
    1.05, 1.38, 2.70, 8.39, 7.78, 8.66, 4.56, 7.84,
    6.17, 7.53, 6.37, 7.51, 5.36, 7.14, 5.50, 6.18,
    5.08, 6.31, 3.17, 4.90, 4.00, 5.64, 5.39, 7.45,
    4.92, 6.23, 4.21, 4.60, 2.88, 3.58, 2.29, 3.33,
    2.56, 3.25, 2.60, 2.92, 2.21, 2.58, 1.42, 1.92,
    None, 1.84, 1.12, 1.66, 0.94, 1.77, 1.60, 2.00,
    1.00, 2.19, 1.51, 2.24, 1.07, 2.17, 1.13, 1.70,
    0.58, 1.45, None, 1.00, 0.52, 1.11, 0.28, 1.14,
    0.51, 0.93, 0.00, 1.08, 0.06, 0.88, -0.17, 1.11,
    0.23, 1.25, 1.38, 1.64, 1.01, 1.13, 0.90, 2.00,
    0.65, None, None, None, None, None, None, 0.06,
    None, -0.52, None, None, None, None, None, None,

# Lodders 2003 (ApJ, 591, 1220)
_lodders2003 = (
    12, 10.899,
    3.28, 1.41, 2.78, 8.39, 7.83, 8.69, 4.46, 7.87,
    6.30, 7.55, 6.46, 7.54, 5.46, 7.19, 5.26, 6.55,
    5.11, 6.34, 3.07, 4.92, 4.00, 5.65, 5.50, 7.47,
    4.91, 6.22, 4.26, 4.63, 3.10, 3.62, 2.32, 3.36,
    2.59, 3.28, 2.36, 2.91, 2.20, 2.60, 1.42, 1.96,
    1.82, 1.11, 1.70, 1.23, 1.74, 0.80, 2.11, 1.06,
    2.22, 1.54, 2.27, 1.10, 2.18, 1.18, 1.61, 0.75,
    1.46, 0.95, 0.85, 1.06, 0.31, 1.13, 0.49, 0.95,
    0.11, 0.94, 0.09, 0.77, -0.14, 0.65, 0.26, 1.37,
    1.35, 1.67, 0.72, 1.16, 0.81, 2.05, 0.68, 0.09,
    None, -0.49, None, None, None, None, None, None,
    None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None,
# fmt: on

[docs]class Abund(IPersist): """Elemental abundance data and methods. Valid abundance pattern types are: 'sme' - For hydrogen, the abundance value is the fraction of all nuclei that are hydrogen, including all ionization states and treating molecules as constituent atoms. For the other elements, the abundance values are log10 of the fraction of nuclei of each element in any form relative to the total for all elements in any form. For the Sun, the abundance values of H, He, and Li are approximately 0.92, -1.11, and -11.0. 'n/nTot' - Abundance values are the fraction of nuclei of each element in any form relative to the total for all elements in any form. For the Sun, the abundance values of H, He, and Li are approximately 0.92, 0.078, and 1.03e-11. 'n/nH' - Abundance values are the fraction of nuclei of each element in any form relative to the number of hydrogen nuclei in any form. For the Sun, the abundance values of H, He, and Li are approximately 1, 0.085, and 1.12e-11. 'H=12' - Abundance values are log10 of the fraction of nuclei of each element in any form relative to the number of hydrogen in any form plus an offset of 12. For the Sun, the nuclei abundance values of H, He, and Li are approximately 12, 10.9, and 1.05. """ def __init__( self, monh=0, pattern="solar", type="sme", citation_info=_citation_atomic_weights, ): self.monh = monh # The internal type is fixed to this value self._type_internal = "H=12" self.type = type self.citation_info = citation_info if isinstance(pattern, str): self.set_pattern_by_name(pattern) else: self.set_pattern_by_value(pattern, type) def __call__(self, type="H=12", raw=False): """Return abundances for all elements. Apply current [M/H] value to the current abundance pattern. Transform the resulting abundances to the requested abundance type. """ pattern = np.copy(self._pattern) if self.monh is not None: pattern[2:] += self.monh return self.totype(pattern, type, raw=raw, copy=False) def __getitem__(self, elem): return self.get_element(elem) def __setitem__(self, elem, abund): self.update_pattern({elem: abund}) def __str__(self): if self._pattern is None: if self._monh is None: return "[M/H] is not set. Abundance pattern is not set." else: return f"[M/H]={self._monh:.3f}. Abundance pattern is not set" else: a = self.get_pattern("H=12", raw=True) if self._monh is None: out = "[M/H] is not set. Values below are the abundance pattern.\n" else: a = np.copy(a) a[2:] += self._monh out = ( f" [M/H]={self._monh:.3f} applied to abundance pattern. " "Values below are abundances.\n" ) for i in range(9): for j in range(11): out += " {:<5s}".format(elements[11 * i + j]) out += "\n" for j in range(11): out += "{:7.3f}".format(a[11 * i + j]) if i < 8: out += "\n" return out def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() # These are there for the atmosphere interpolation # The internal format is always H=12, so that should be fine def __add__(self, other): result = Abund( monh=self.monh, pattern=np.copy(self._pattern), type=self._type_internal ) if isinstance(other, Abund): result._pattern += other.get_pattern(self._type_internal, raw=True) result.monh += other.monh else: raise NotImplementedError result.type = self.type return result def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __mul__(self, other): result = Abund( monh=self.monh, pattern=np.copy(self._pattern), type=self._type_internal ) if isinstance(other, Abund): raise NotImplementedError else: result._pattern *= other result.monh *= other result.type = self.type return result def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) def _get_index(self, elem): try: return elements_dict[elem] except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"Got element abreviation {elem}, expected one of {elements}" ) def __copy__(self): pattern = self._pattern.copy() other = Abund( monh=self.monh, type=self.type, pattern=pattern, citation_info=self.citation_info, ) return other
[docs] @staticmethod def fromtype(pattern, fromtype, raw=False): """Return a copy of the input abundance pattern, transformed from the input type to the 'H=12' type. Valid abundance pattern types are 'sme', 'n/nTot', 'n/nH', 'n/nFe', and 'H=12'. """ elem = elements if isinstance(pattern, dict): abund = np.array([pattern[el] for el in elem], dtype=float) else: abund = np.array(pattern, dtype=float) if np.isnan(abund[0]): raise ValueError("Pattern must define abundance of H") type = fromtype.lower() if type == "h=12": pass elif type == "sme": abund[1:] += 12 - np.log10(abund[0]) abund[0] = 12 elif type == "n/ntot": abund /= abund[0] abund = 12 + np.log10(abund) elif type == "n/nh": abund = 12 + np.log10(abund) elif type == "n/nfe": abund /= abund[0] abund = 12 + np.log10(abund) elif type == "fe=12": abund = 10 ** (abund - 12) abund /= abund[0] abund = 12 + np.log10(abund) else: raise ValueError( "got abundance type '{}',".format(type) + " should be 'H=12', 'n/nH', 'n/nTot', 'n/nFe', 'Fe=12', or 'sme'" ) if raw: return abund else: return {el: abund[elements_dict[el]] for el in elements}
[docs] @staticmethod def totype(pattern, totype, raw=False, copy=True): """Return a copy of the input abundance pattern, transformed from the 'H=12' type to the output type. Valid abundance pattern types are 'sme', 'n/nTot', 'n/nH', and 'H=12'. """ if isinstance(pattern, dict): abund = [pattern[el] if el in pattern.keys() else np.nan for el in elements] abund = np.array(abund) elif copy: abund = np.copy(pattern) else: abund = pattern type = totype.lower() if type == "h=12": pass elif type == "sme": abund2 = 10 ** (abund - 12) abund[0] = 1 / np.nansum(abund2) abund[1:] = abund[1:] - 12 + np.log10(abund[0]) # abund /= np.sum(abund) # abund[1:] = np.log10(abund[1:]) elif type == "n/ntot": abund = 10 ** (abund - 12) abund /= np.nansum(abund) elif type == "n/nh": abund = 10 ** (abund - 12) elif type == "n/nfe": idx_fe = elements_dict["Fe"] abund = 10 ** (abund - 12) abund /= abund[idx_fe] elif type == "fe=12": idx_fe = elements_dict["Fe"] abund = 10 ** (abund - 12) abund /= abund[idx_fe] abund = np.log10(abund) + 12 else: raise ValueError( "got abundance type '{}',".format(type) + " should be 'H=12', 'n/nH', 'n/nTot', 'n/nFe', 'Fe=12', or 'sme'" ) if raw: return abund else: return {el: abund[elements_dict[el]] for el in elements}
_formats = ["H=12", "sme", "n/nTot", "n/nH", "n/nFe", "Fe=12"] @property def elem(self): """Return the standard abbreviation for each element. Use property so user will not redefine elements. """ return elements @property def elem_dict(self): """Return the position of each element in the raw array""" return elements_dict @property def monh(self): """float: Metallicity, the logarithmic offset added to the abundance pattern for all elements except hydrogen and helium.""" return self._monh @monh.setter def monh(self, monh): self._monh = float(monh) @property def pattern(self): """array: Abundance pattern in the initial format""" return self.get_pattern(self.type, raw=False)
[docs] def set_pattern_by_name(self, pattern_name): """Set the abundance pattern to one of the predefined options Parameters ---------- pattern_name : str Name of the predefined option to use. One of 'asplund2009', 'grevesse2007', 'lodders2003', 'empty' Raises ------ ValueError If an undefined pattern_name was given """ self.type = "H=12" self.citation_info = _citation_atomic_weights + "\n" if pattern_name.lower() in ["asplund2009"]: self._pattern = np.array(_asplund2009, dtype=float) self.citation_info += _citation_asplund2009 elif pattern_name.lower() in ["grevesse2007", "solar"]: self._pattern = np.array(_grevesse2007, dtype=float) self.citation_info += _citation_grevesse2007 elif pattern_name.lower() == "lodders2003": self._pattern = np.array(_lodders2003, dtype=float) self.citation_info += _citation_lodders2003 elif pattern_name.lower() == "empty": self._pattern = self.empty_pattern() else: raise ValueError( f"Got abundance pattern name {pattern_name} should be one of" "'asplund2009', 'grevesse2007', 'lodders2003', or 'empty'." )
[docs] def set_pattern_by_value(self, pattern, type): self._pattern = self.fromtype(pattern, type, raw=True) self.type = type
[docs] def update_pattern(self, updates): """Update the abundance pattern for several elements at once The abundance is first converted into the initially specified format, before being converted back to the internal format Parameters ---------- updates : dict{str:float} the elements to update Raises ------ KeyError If any of the element keys is not valid """ pattern = self.get_pattern(type=self.type, raw=True) for key in updates: pos = self._get_index(key) pattern[pos] = updates[key] self.set_pattern_by_value(pattern, self.type)
[docs] def get_pattern(self, type=None, raw=False): """ Transform the specified abundance pattern from type used internally by SME to the requested type. Valid abundance pattern types are: 'sme', 'n/nTot', 'n/nH', 'H=12' Parameters ---------- type : str The pattern format to retrieve the pattern as. Defaults to the original input format. raw : bool If True will return the pattern as a numpy array, with indices as defined in elem dict. Otherwise the return value is a dictionary, with the elements as keys. """ if type is None: type = self.type return self.totype(self._pattern, type, raw=raw)
[docs] def get_element(self, elem, type=None): if type is None: type = self.type pattern = self(type, raw=True) i = self._get_index(elem) return pattern[i]
[docs] def empty_pattern(self): """Return an abundance pattern with value None for all elements.""" pattern = np.full(len(elements), np.nan) pattern[0] = 0 return pattern
[docs] def to_dict(self): data = { "monh": self.monh, "type_internal": self._type_internal, "type": self.type, "citation_info": self.citation_info, "data": self._pattern, } return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): obj = cls( monh=data["monh"], pattern=data["data"], type=data["type_internal"], citation_info=data["citation_info"], ) obj.type = data["type"] return obj
def _save(self): header = { "monh": self.monh, "type_internal": self._type_internal, "type": self.type, "citation_info": self.citation_info, } data = self._pattern ext = BinaryDataExtension(header, data) return ext @classmethod def _load(cls, ext: BinaryDataExtension): header = ext.header pattern = abund = cls( monh=header["monh"], pattern=pattern, type=header["type"], citation_info=header["citation_info"], ) return abund def _save_v1(self, file, folder="abund"): """Save the data to a file handler""" if folder != "" or folder[-1] != "/": folder += "/" monh = float(self.monh) if self.monh is not None else None info = { "format": self.type, "monh": monh, "citation_info": self.citation_info, } file.writestr(f"{folder}info.json", json.dumps(info)) b = io.BytesIO(), self.get_pattern(raw=True)) file.writestr(f"{folder}pattern.npy", b.getvalue()) @staticmethod def _load_v1(file, names, folder=""): """Load the data from a file handler""" for name in names: if name.endswith("info.json"): info = info = json.loads(info) abund_format = info["format"] monh = info["monh"] citation_info = info.get("citation_info", _citation_atomic_weights) elif name.endswith("pattern.npy"): b = io.BytesIO( pattern = np.load(b) return Abund( monh=monh, pattern=pattern, type=abund_format, citation_info=citation_info, )
[docs] @staticmethod def solar(): """Return solar abundances of asplund 2009""" solar = Abund(pattern="solar", monh=0) return solar