Installation ============= How to install SME: Prerequisites: - libgfortran5 (e.g., from - gcc 0. (optional) create a virtual environment, and activate it. - download the environment.yml from - cd to the download location - `conda env create -f environment.yml` - `source activate pysme` 1. Use pip - For the "stable" version: - pip install pysme-astro - For the latest version use: - pip install git+ 2. (optional) Download data files as part of IDL SME from - The atmosphere and nlte data files should be downloaded from the server correctly (assuming it is available) if not you can manually copy them into their respective storage locations in ~/.sme/atmospheres and ~/.sme/nlte_grids - atmospheres - everything from SME/atmospheres - nlte_grids - \*.grd from SME/NLTE 3. Run SME - An simple minimum example is provided in the examples directory ( Make sure to also download the provided input structure. - You can then run it with: `python`